Environmental and Sociomedical Sciences

Practice Development Nursing

Environmental and Sociomedical Sciences
Great Departments


Professor Mitoma Rika
mitoma(at mark)
Associate Professor Fukuyama Miki
fukumk29(at mark)
Assistant Professor Hashino Asuka
hasuka(at mark)

Research theme

 In recent years, Japan has been facing a declining birthrate and aging population, increasingly sophistication and complexity of medical care, various places for medical treatment including the home, and diversification of values. In order to improve the quality of nursing care for people from adulthood to old age with various diseases and their families in acute, convalescent, and chronic phases (including maintenance phase and home care), our department is committed to improve the nursing practice skills of nurses and nursing students regarding physical management of patient. And also, we aim to support for nurses and nursing students to acquire the ethical sensitivity and thinking in nursing practice. Specifically, we are engaged in research on physical assessment to solve diverse health problems and disease management of chronic illness patients (e.g., COPD and other pulmonary diseases) by nurses. Furthermore, we are engaged in research on ethical problems faced by nurses in nursing practice, as well as issues of bioethics and medical ethics.